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Game Based Learning: The Phases of Acceptance


Change can be hard to accept. Old ways of thinking and comfortable routines can overshadow the very thought of integrating anything new into a tried and true processes. Two things are true about education and technology: they are ever-changing and they are ever-improving. The elearning developer’s impact on education continues to grow. Though that may be hard for some to wrap their minds around, it’s a good thing for the learners of today.

The acceptance of game based learning into educational philosophy and practice can be viewed as a five-phase process. Though it happens gradually, the important thing is that the process is happening.

Phase one: Disapproval

In the first stage of the process, there is a refusal to accept that game based learning is a viable option. When new concepts are broached, they are tossed out without much consideration of the future benefits and effects. Skeptics aren’t even willing to give it a try. Many times educators or trainers will deny that there could be any value to the new idea that’s being offered.

Take for example a young executive, specializing in corporate training, who joins a team that does not use much technology in their process. The new guy knows the benefits of game based learning and has worked with elearning developers to create solid training games. He broaches the subject with his new coworkers and is promptly shut down without question.

Phase Two: Indignation

When someone feels something new is being forced upon them, like the coworkers, their reaction can be negative. This is especially true when they have been doing the same thing, the same way for a long period of time. The proposed integration of game based learning can come as an affront to administrators, educators, or trainers who don’t understand it and don’t think it’s necessary.

Phase Three: Exchange

In the third phase, the skeptics begin to turn a corner. They propose a trade-off to implement game based learning. If they can be guaranteed to receive something, it may be worth the perceived risk to try game based learning. This type of response shows that the idea is beginning to take root, slowly, but it isn’t ready to be fully embraced.

Phase Four: Despondency

By this phase in the process, the feeling towards game based learning is one of begrudging compliance. It’s time to return to the earlier example of the young executive who wishes to integrate game based learning into the corporate training program. In this scenario, the other members of the team have moved through the phases and are now at a point where they are accepting of the fact that the changes are happening, but they still aren’t happy about it and view it as doomed to fail.

Phase Five: Acceptance

In this final stage, the formerly skeptical educators or trainers are beginning to see enough benefit to the new training method. They may have even decided that elearning developers do know what they’re talking about after all. The reformed educators or executives are ready to get behind the transition because they see it resulting in a more comprehensive learning experience.

As each phase unfolds, the level of acceptance grows until it gets to a point that those who were initially resistant come around to a more open open-minded view of game based learning and the benefits it provides.

game-based learning

How 3D Training Simulations Make Sense for Employee Training


Training simulations are an effective way to enhance the skills of your employees. Creating training simulations, especially in 3D, requires a significant financial and time commitment for your business. However, will it deliver the results you expect? Simulation training has been around for a long time now, and the constantly evolving technological landscape means their design has become more realistic than ever before. You should consider this option if you want to gain an edge on your competitors. Here are reasons why 3D training simulations make sense for employee training:

Quick Feedback

Your employees won’t have to wait to receive feedback when undergoing a training program. Using the simulation platform, their performance will be assessed immediately and they will receive the feedback in real time. This way, they can begin to work on their shortcomings and improve their skills without delay. This proves more effective than conventional practices, where feedback is given some time later. Your employees avoid making the same mistakes in the future, because they will be pointed out right away. Their knowledge will increase and they will be able to perform better.

Effective Training

3D simulation gives employees an almost lifelike experience when they are receiving training. Hence, the behaviors and techniques they learn through the training are easier to follow and implement on the job. They won’t have to try and err before they achieve success by applying what they have learned. They will get the chance to simulate what is expected of them in their day job and the feedback they receive will enable them to hone their skills. In other words, 3D training simulations will provide a more comprehensive training environment for your employees. 

Better Retention

Using 3D simulations is a fun and exciting experience for employees. After all, 3D technology is rarely applied outside of movies, and hence you can expect your employees to be excited and engaged when you introduce 3D simulations into your training programs. Since they will enjoy themselves during the training, they won’t view it as a chore and will be more involved. This improves the retention of information and knowledge they gain from their training. At the end of the day, their ability to retain what they learn is the key to employee training success. This will give them a better chance of applying their new skills.

Fosters Creativity

A 3D simulation environment gives learners the chance to improvise. They don’t just have to stick to what they are learning, but can actually employ the ideas they come up with. This way, 3D training simulation can be a great outlet for employees who have ideas, but are reluctant to share them. Because there are no risks in simulation training, you can encourage them to be creative and improvise. This will work wonders for your employees’ confidence and morale, which in turn will work to your benefit, as employees will apply an innovative mindset to their working environment.

Structured Employee Training

You can introduce the 3D training simulations to each new employee you hire. This will enable you to save significant training time, as you won’t have to ask your current employees to provide on-the-job training, which decreases productivity In fact, new employees will have a more positive view of your business, because you are using cutting-edge technology to teach employees what they need to learn. Practicing in a 3D simulated environment also provides new hires a chance to practice their skills, before they actually start interacting with clients and performing their roles.

Cost Savings

There is an initial investment and cost of introducing 3D training simulations into the organization,  but you should look at the bigger picture. For one, the training time required for new and current employees will be reduced significantly, which means they will spend more time on the job than on training. This represents cost savings for you in the long run. Moreover, you don’t have to pay for conference rooms, instructors, and other associated expenses, as the training is delivered digitally. You can keep updating the training simulations and continue using them for a long time, getting the best value for your investment.

These are the primary reasons why 3D training simulations make perfect sense for employee training.

3D Simulations

Components to Great Elearning Design


Elearning designers hold more responsibility than just developing a game that is “good.” Their clientele expects a training program that will not only engage their employees as they learn the necessary information, but will also translate into increased revenue for their business. That can be a tall order to fill.

When the stakes are high, an elearning designer needs to do more than churn out a game that’s fun, though that’s definitely expected to be in the mix. Their clients want a program that changes the behavior of their employees, informs their interactions with customers, and ultimately pushes their job performance to a level that makes them an asset to the company.

Guidelines for elearning designers

What components need to be a part of an elearning game that will prove successful for the client and their employees?

  • Prepare learners. A game needs to provide the learner with the knowledge they will need to make choices within the virtual world. This includes a way to give information to the player before they begin the game, if necessary. The learning experience will extend much deeper and be far more successful if the learner is well-prepared for the challenges they will face in the game.
  • Create a relevant setting. The environment of the game doesn’t need to be an exact replica of the workplace. In fact, it shouldn’t be. It does need to be contextually similar, though. There should be elements in the game that are recognizable to the learners. Streamline the virtual world so that only the necessary components are included. This ensures the employee can make the needed connection from the simulation to real-life.
  • Find the work/fun sweet spot. A beneficial learning game will be fun and keep the learners engaged. On the flip side, too much fluff can keep a game from being as effective as it should be. There should be a balance between the two. Fantasy is a great element to include, though there should be reminders throughout the game to keep the players focused on the learning objectives.
  • Sufficient feedback. Feedback is a vitally important part of any learning experience. In the context of a learning game, there are all kinds of different ways that a player gathers feedback. Think about scores, rewards, and other advantages received for displaying the appropriate behavior. Though awards are fun, the feedback should always be tied back to the learning objective that the game is trying to address. The feedback should be detailed enough to help a player understand their mistake.
  • Suitable challenges. A game that is too easy for a player will not hold their interest for long before they are ready to move on. Conversely, an activity that is not in the skill set of the player will quickly frustrate them and cause them to give up. A learning game should be just right in order to receive the maximum benefit.

The key to a successful game in the eyes of a client is one that includes each of these strategies and results in a well-prepared employee.

Components to great Elearning Design

What to Think About Before Creating a Custom Elearning Experience


There are a lot of things in the world today that can be customized. Suits, homes, and vehicles are some that immediately come to mind. Most people wouldn’t think about a custom elearning experience.

There are some distinct advantages to having an educational experience that is customized for your specific needs. Before diving into the advantages of custom elearning, it is important to consider a few things.

Think About It

Being able to answer a few simple questions will clarify the purpose of the elearning or serious game.

  • What is the issue that the game is trying to resolve?

    Maybe the problem is an overarching customer service issue, or the sales are not where they need to be. Once the obstacle or obstacles have been identified, it will be easier to move forward with a customized solution.

  • What is the stumbling block for the learners?

    For instance, pinpoint what is keeping the sales people from hitting their goals or what the hiccup in customer service is. This will become a crucial component of the customized elearning tools that are created.

  • What is the end objective of the learning experience?

    Make sure there are clear goals for the completion of the game. If the desired end result is comprehension and utilization of a new sales method, be certain it is clear to the learner that that is their aim.

Once these questions have been answered, the path is much easier to creating custom elearning games for whoever the audience may be.

Advantages of a Tailor-Made Elearning Experience

While the benefits of elearning, in general, have been brought to the forefront more and more in today’s tech savvy world, taking things a step further into a custom elearning scenario is an added bonus.

Here’s Why:

  • The serious game can address issues specific to a certain industry or business.

    The scenarios presented in the game can be made to mimic real-life situations that trainees face in the course of doing their jobs. This real experience cannot be gained from a more generic presentation of information.

  • What is the stumbling block for the learners?The cost is lower.

    Other games can come with hefty licensing and royalty fees. These are avoided in a customized game. While a custom elearning game does have the upfront development costs, the expense over the life of the game is reduced.

  • The feedback and assessment tools are tailored to the specific objectives of the company or business.
  • Updates are quick and easy.

    There is no waiting for a company to come out with a new version but rather, the business itself has the say on when a program needs to be updated.

Creating a unique learning game is a wise choice once a concrete need has been established and the goals and objectives are clear.

A custom elearning experience will result in a better trained, more informed workforce, equipped to handle the requirements of their individual positions within the company.

Custom eLearning Experience

Exit Classic Training, Enter Learning Games


The amount of elearning blogs that are active today is telling.

The verdict is in: People want to be engaged and possibly even have fun while they’re learning. Traditional training simply doesn’t cut it for learners who have been raised in an increasingly digital society.

Obviously, corporations train their employees because they want them to perform certain tasks in a specific way. However, what seemed to work before has now been shown to be less than effective. 

Why Aren’t Traditional Training Methods Effective Anymore?

The one-way communication that makes up the lion’s share of old corporate training methods is seen as boring by today’s workforce. People are used to accessing information at a much faster pace. The fact has already been stated that society is moving away from training methods that aren’t technology-based.

Most people in the U.S. have at least one electronic device that they use on a regular basis. There are smartphones and smart TV’s. Shouldn’t training methods get smarter too? Elearning companies certainly think so.

Why Learning Games are Successful

There are several key elements of elearning that make it the most effective educational tool available.


  • Real world scenarios. Elearning games provide an opportunity to interact with real scenarios in a risk-free environment, which isn’t possible with more traditional methods of training.
  • Repetition. Repetition is the best way to retain new information. Learning games give users the chance to try different actions over and over again until the concept is understood. 
  • Feedback. Real-time feedback is a definite advantage to elearning activities as opposed to older methods. A learner is able to assess the consequences of their choices and readjust as necessary.  Players can look at what they’ve done that has been successful, as well, and then begin to think about how it would translate to a real-life situation.
  • Fun factor. The interactive nature of elearning exercises is a game-changer. Old training methods lack the critical element of entertainment that learning games provide. Additionally, learners who are enjoying the activity form an emotional investment to the training. 
  • Cooperative learning. Being able to talk through scenarios with peers is an important part of a comprehensive learning program. Bouncing ideas off of each other often leads to a solution that one person on their own wouldn’t necessarily have reached. 
  • Self-motivating. The action of moving through the levels of games is not only fun, but it’s motivating. When the cognitive portion of the brain is engaging in tandem with the emotional portion of the brain, the greatest learning happens.


The advances that have been made in technology have changed many areas of life, not the least of which is education in all its forms.

Elearning companies recognize the many advantages of producing games, the most notable that elearning is far more effective at training employees than any previous training methods. Hence, the proliferation of elearning blogs.

Modern training methods can and should be fun, engaging, cooperative, and most of all, effective.

Learning Games

Gamification, Serious Games, and Simulations: The Differences


All types of game-based learning, simulation, and gamification are commonly put under the umbrella of “gamification.” Actually, to do so isn’t accurate as they have their own distinct qualities and components. 

A more accurate term, coined by Jane McGonigal, may be “gameful design,” which is using the satisfying properties of games, “things like agency, emotion, and immediate feedback-to help people do what they really want to do: feel better, reach their goals, connect with others, and live with meaning.” The concept of gameful design is relevant because it acknowledges that there are differences between gamification, serious games, and simulations. 


A generally accepted definition for gamification is that it takes elements and ideas from games and applies them to something that isn’t a game. Some of the hallmarks of gamification are leaderboards, points, badges, progress bars, missions, and quests. An important distinction to make is that no actual gameplay or creation is involved. 

The motivational components of gamification are:

  • Autonomy. Learners like to feel that they have choices. They are more likely to be engaged when they feel that they have ownership over their own learning.
  • Mastery. Mastery can be described as becoming skilled in a certain area. It should be incremental. The challenge should increase as the skill level increases. 
  • Purpose. It is important to the learning process that a learner is presented with relevant content. It gives meaning. 
  • Relatedness. This is the social aspect of gamification. Learners benefit from the interactions with coworkers and co-learners. When people feel they are part of a community, they are much more likely to stay engaged. 
Serious games

As opposed to gamification, serious games are, indeed games. What sets them apart from other games is that they have a specific and defined learning objective. It will look and feel like a real game, but the goal is learning a certain concept or concepts. There may be story elements, social gaming elements, missions, and quests. 


While simulations are sometimes lumped together with serious games, they have differences too. A simulation is an activity designed to mimic a real-world scenario. The simulation will give the users a chance to interact with a situation that they could potentially be faced with in the course of their actual jobs. It’s important to note that a simulation may not involve gameplay at all. 

Deciding what’s best

Each of these three activities has educational value. The best approach is to incorporate each of them into the overall training program. Taking a varied approach ensures that the widest range of learning styles is reached. 

Here are some examples:

  • A simulation may be a good method to train employees in customer service. They can interact with virtual clients and learn the best ways to react to different scenarios without having to risk a poor interaction with an actual customer.
  • Gamification may work for employees who travel often. They can accumulate badges or rewards for miles traveled in the course of their work.
  • A game can work for almost any concept that needs to be taught.

Gamification, serious games, and simulations are all different but all are a benefit to the learners and the company. 

Designing Digitally Inc., can assist your company by customizing elearning that specifically meets the needs of your business.  Elearning that is customized leads to greater engagement and employee retention, higher levels of productivity, and increased profitability for your business.

eLearning Training

Custom Elearning Development Design that Works


Effective design doesn’t draw attention to itself. It subtly enhances the learning experience without distracting the learner. On the other hand, poor design sticks out like a sore thumb. 

There are many advantages to custom elearning experiences, but even the best ideas won’t be effective if the design is flawed. Think of a person who has an image in their mind of a picture they’d like to paint. They gather the necessary supplies and stare at the blank canvas because they realize they don’t know how to execute the wonderful idea they have.

Attempting to design an elearning game without knowing the right way to put the great ideas into action is just like that potential artist. They have a great idea that’s going nowhere. 

Custom elearning development design tips for success

These design pointers can make the difference between a game that works and a game that flops:

  • Always plan ahead. Successful projects begin with a solid structure. Create an outline that includes each component intended to be part of the game. Be sure to include the learning goals and the anticipated outcome. 
  • Set a theme and don’t stray from it. Consider the target demographic for the game, and choose a theme based on the specific objectives for that group. It’s easy to go over-the-top with graphics. Some think more is better, but the old adage is true, “Less is more.” The game can turn out to be a jumbled mess if there is too much visual clutter. Choose the theme based on the objectives, and stick to graphics that reinforce that theme.
  • Keep the endgame in mind. Failure to stay focused on the learning goals outlined in the plan will cause the game to be ineffective. The most important information should remain front and center as the learner plays the game. Too much interference from elements outside the objective can be confusing for learners.  
  • It shouldn’t be too hard or too easy. Find the balance between the game being too simple and too challenging. If it’s too easy, the players won’t learn anything and it won’t hold their interest. If it’s too difficult, they’ll grow frustrated and give up. A happy medium exists, and that’s where the learning will take place.
  • Show players the goal. Let the learners see what the consequences of their choices will be as well as well as what they are working toward.
  • Make it fun! Learning comes when the participants are engaged in the process. If they are enjoying themselves, they will be motivated to persevere and keep trying, until they successfully reach the end.

The design of a custom elearning experience is vitally important to the success of the learners who will be utilizing it. Following the guidelines discussed here will give the game the best chance of being an effective training tool for the users. 

custom eLearning Development

3 Tips to Conquer Challenges of Mobile Learning Solutions


Gartner predicts that by 2017, almost 70% of the mobile workforce will use tablets and other mobile devices to access information. Learning designers  need to focus on mobile learning solutions, if they want the mobile sales force to benefit from their training. 

Mobile learning solutions, or m-learning, has huge benefits for the learners. The top benefit is the flexibility it offers to its learners, in terms of the format, time, and location. It is collaborative in nature and is more engaging compared to traditional learning modalities. It is the perfect solution for employees who are on the go and require just-in-time training

There are a few challenges to creating mobile learning solutions, but there are simplified ways to overcome it. Here are the top three challenges and tips to override them.

Challenge 1: Mobile devices have limited screen size.

Mobile devices do not have a standard screen size. Some are small; others have comparatively larger screen space. But none of the devices will have screens as large as desktops. Thus, the layout and navigation cannot be the same as that of a traditional e-learning course. Small screens will not be able to support too many images or heavy text. Complicated navigation will not work, either. 

This is a challenge that needs to be addressed as priority. Learners should not be deprived of information just because they are accessing learning on a mobile device, instead of a desktop or laptop.

Here are a few ways to overcome the screen size limitation.

  • Chunking content into short, logical, and relevant chunks makes it easier for the learner to consume. Chunked content can be presented better on mobile devices. 
  • Using bulleted lists, instead of large paragraphs, can save a lot of screen space. It also helps the learner to remember better.
  • Images and videos should be considered instead, of long winding text explanations.
Challenge 2: Mobile learning solutions are not suitable for lengthy courses.

Mobile solutions do not work for lengthy courses. The learner will lose interest and attention, if he has to go through a never-ending module, , even if the subject justifies the length of the course. 

One way to overcome this challenge, is to use m-learning modules, as part of larger programs, and offer just-in-time personalized learning. 

Challenge 3: Restricted connectivity can hamper learning.

The sales force may need to travel to remote locations. Limited connectivity at certain places may disrupt flow of information. They might not be able to access the required information, at the required moment. There is no  point to having access to learning at your fingertips, if it cannot be used at the right time.

This is where mobile apps come to the rescue. With learning apps, users have the benefit of downloading learning material and accessing them, irrespective of available bandwidth. 

Mobile learning solutions should be embraced and not avoided. They  bring great benefits to the learners and the organization to enhance and deliver training.

At Designing Digitally, Inc., we help to identify the right platform for your m-learning needs, and then design and build your solution.


Get in touch with us and we will help your business grow by leaps and bounds.

Mobile Learning Strategies

Instructional Games and the Added Element of Fantasy


There is often some question as to the validity of fantasy in an instructional game. Do elearning activities always have to be realistic in order to promote learning? Does the element of fantasy add anything of value to the experience?

The researcher Thomas W. Malone set out to study why games are fun and motivational. He ultimately came up with three components that made games motivating and enjoyable. They are: challenge, curiosity, and fantasy. His opinion was that “fantasy was a key element to making an instructional game motivational.”

In Malone’s view, there are two main reasons that elements of fantasy are beneficial to a learning game: cognitive and emotional. Let’s take a look at each of these and explore the relationship between fantasy and each of them.

The cognitive element

There are several cognitive advantages to the use of fantasy in instructional games:

  • Convert old information to form a better understanding of newer concepts. The trainee can utilize information they already have to test in different scenarios within the context of an elearning game. In this setting, there is no fear of failure of making the wrong choice. In many cases, the information isn’t brand new, but the goal is to get the learner to apply the knowledge in a different way. The key is to provide a fantasy-based game that requires the user to use the same knowledge they would need in a real-life situation.
  • Visual imagery enhances recall. People remember events and places because they have a meaning attached. This is called episodic memory. Visual imagery plays a powerful role in memory and recall of information. Elearning games with striking graphics are more likely to cause the content to be memorable to the user.
  • Stimulation of curiosity.Instructional games with an element of fantasy tend to present a player with the element of surprise. Unknown factors keep the learner guessing, which is beneficial for cognitive development.
The emotional effect

There is one big emotional component that makes fantasy-based games advantageous for learners.

  • Absence of the fear factor. A learner can engage with a fantasy game without the attachment of real-world anxieties. They can work on skills they may be lacking in and not have the concern of failure weighing on them. For example, Gina may know that she has a hard time closing sales with potential customers. Within the parameters of a fantasy-based game, she doesn’t feel the apprehension of possible failure, but can instead freely try different techniques. The goal is that she will grow comfortable closing leads and find a technique that works well for her. Gina will apply the confidence she gained inside the game to her real-life encounters with clients.
Should instructional games always include fantasy?

The short answer is “no.” While the advantages discussed are true and valid, there does come a point when a trainee needs to gain experience in a realistic scenario. If one thinks of a training program as a ladder, with the top being applying the knowledge obtained to each real-world interaction with clients or customers, the fantasy learning game can be viewed as an integral rung on that ladder.

Instructional Games - Designing Digitally

Simulation-Based Training: At Work in the Medical Field


Simulations are a way to gamify learning that allows learners to put themselves into real scenarios, but in a virtual medium. The learners are able to experience situations in real time and receive relevant feedback.

Simulation-based training has been a staple for training in the medical field for a long time. Like other technologies, simulation technology is expanding and advancing.

Three areas simulations provide benefits

There are several different areas in which simulation-based training is a benefit.

  • Teaching medical procedures. Simulations are very helpful for teaching different learners how to perform surgical and other medical processes without any risk to actual patients. It’s similar to a pilot learning to fly an airplane. They learn in simulators so that a mistake doesn’t result in a life-threatening crash. There are many medical procedures in which a mistake could be deadly for a patient.
  • Health insurance companies. Some insurance companies are using apps and simulations to encourage the people they insure to exercise more and live a healthier lifestyle. For example, friends can compete against each other to see who walks the most miles in a certain amount of time. It benefits the company because the healthier their insured’s are, the less money they end up paying in medical claims. The obvious benefits to the clients are their improved health.
  • Handling chronic illnesses. Gamifying the management of chronic illnesses can make an unfortunate situation a little more bearable when a little bit of fun is included. This can change the attitude and outlook of a patient dealing with a chronic illness. For example, a young person with diabetes can be motivated to track their habits via an interactive app. This assists with the management of their disease. The use of gamification can also have social benefits, by connecting insured’s with a chronic illness with others suffering from the same condition.
Benefits of simulation based training

Other than the advantages previously discussed, there are other benefits that make simulations well worth integrating into any training program.

  • Immediate feedback. The feedback is constant, consistent, and very timely. This allows the learner to see mistakes made right away and change course as necessary. They can also see the things they are doing correctly. This is a tremendous help to them when they are faced with a similar situation in a real-life scenario.
  • Retention and application. The use of simulation allows learners to have a real experience, as opposed to just reading about it or watching it. Being active in their own learning enhances the retention rate and raises the likelihood that the learner will be able to successfully apply what they have learned in an actual scenario.
  • The fun factor. Simulations and other game-based learning activities often involve a certain level of enjoyment. When a learner is having fun, they are engaged and will be more invested in what they are learning.

Simulation-based training has significant benefits, in the area of medical training. It can also be incorporated into many other areas of education, including corporate settings or in manufacturing.

Contact Designing Digitally, Inc. today to learn how your organization can benefit from utilizing simulation for training purposes.

Medical Field Simulations

Custom Elearning: One Size Doesn't Fit All


There are some things that truly are “one size fits all”, such as a scarf or a rain poncho. However, corporate elearning training programs do not all fit into the same mold.

Each business has its own specific goals. The learning objectives for one company will not be exactly the same as another. Certainly, the needs change from one industry to the next, but there are differences even within the same field. A one-size-fits-all approach isn’t the most effective system.

Custom elearning solutions

People are different, their learning styles are different, and the atmosphere of each company is different. The best way to account for all the variation is to have an elearning program that is customized.

Custom elearning solutions have many benefits.

  • Content that is relevant. When the training is customized to the specific systems and processes that a company uses, the knowledge is almost immediately applicable to a person’s position.
  • Updating is easier and there’s a greater ROI. With a customized system already in place, maintaining and bringing the program up-to-date is cost-effective. Less money spent on updates and changes equals a greater return on investment.
  • Branding. Custom elearning solutions allow a corporation’s training materials to use their own personal logos, colors, or any other identifying mark in the graphics. The training materials created will reflect the company’s unique vision, goals, and values.
  • Individualized evaluation. It’s no secret that assessment is a key to determining if an elearning activity has been effective. Custom elearning goes a step further by evaluating each person on their individual goals. As they work through the course or game, the feedback they receive can inform their decisions along the way. Certain areas that they need to spend more time on will be highlighted. The extra, targeted practice in one area can have a positive influence on the learner’s retention of that concept.
  • Adaptability increases learner involvement and motivation. One of the biggest advantages of customized elearning is that the content can be adjusted over time to stay in line with what is happening with the employees. As they grow and change, their training program can evolve right along with them. An “off-the-shelf” elearning program, while still more beneficial than a traditional set-up, doesn’t have the capability to adapt and change with the learners. The more relevant the content is to the trainee, the more engaged they will be in the process.
  • Building block for future technological advances. Technology will continue to change and evolve. It’s happening rapidly and it isn’t expected to slow down. Custom elearning solutions are a sort of precursor to what the future of corporate training will be like. Education is becoming more and more learner-centric, and customized training programs are just the beginning.

Corporations seek to boost their revenue by building a solid reputation. They won’t earn that reputation without a workforce that is well-equipped to perform their duties, whether it is working directly with clients and customers or a role behind the scenes. There is far more at stake than just jumping on the technology bandwagon to seem like they’re keeping up with the times. Custom elearning has proven its worth by preparing scores of employees to function at the highest level.

Custom eLearning

What Do Mobile Learning and Games Have in Common


92% of Americans own cell phones. 68% own smartphones. There is no denying the fact that technology will continue to play a significant role in  virtually every aspect of life. Education and training has certainly been greatly impacted by this boom.

This is great news for companies that provide mobile learning solutions. While other educational fads come and go, this won’t be the case with technological integration. Elearning is here to stay and technology will continue to evolve to provide even greater opportunities for training.

The mLearning and game crossover

As elearning methods continue to advance, the combination of mobile learning (mLearning) and games comes to the forefront as an effective option for education in general and specifically corporate training.

There are several benefits to the mlearning/game hybrid:

  • Taking learning on the road. Cell phones used to be primarily used for communication, be it talk or text. Smartphones changed all that. Games and apps have opened up a whole new world of uses. Smartphones are still used for communication, but now they’re also frequently utilized for entertainment, social media, and learning. Yes, learning! Employees can engage in training activities anywhere and anytime via their phone or another mobile device. Many learning activities can even be started on a desktop and continued later on a smartphone. In today’s world where people seem to be constantly on the go, the convenience of mLearning games is more important than ever.
  • Games are fun and effective. There’s a reason that most people are within arm’s reach of their smartphones. Their phones keep them engaged. They feel the need to check social media, email, calendars, and a whole host of other apps. Games have that same quality. They pull the player into the virtual world. To put it simply, games are fun and mLearning is fun. Combine them and the result is a mLearning game that holds the attention of the user and actively involves them in their own learning. If a user can have fun and learn at the same time, they are more likely to be able to recall the information when they need to utilize it in a real-life situation.
  • mLearning encourages social interactions. Mobile learning solutions employ tactics like leaderboards that allow players to see the achievements of their peers. This is a valuable motivational tool. When a learner sees that one of their coworkers is ahead of them or achieving more, they are driven to amp up their own game play in order to keep up. The social nature of the mLearning games also encourages users to continue coming back again and again.

With the ease that most people have with the use of mobile technologies such as smartphones and tablets, it makes sense that mLearning and games would be a match made in educational heaven. The combinations of convenience and fun, competition and motivation cement the learning experience and will stand as an effective training method for corporate training as well as other educational genres.

Contact Designing Digitally Inc. to learn how your organization can combine elearning games with mobile learning to increase employee engagement, improve retention, enhance productivity, and increase profitability.

Mobile Learning

Is There a Place for Augmented Reality in Corporate Training?


The latest technology poised to make an impact in today’s business world is Augmented Reality.

What is Augmented Reality, or AR? One leading computing site describes it like this: “a technology that superimposes computer-generated images on top of real-world views.”

This digital advancement has already proven beneficial in the automotive industry, as well as the military. It is even being used in some places for nurse and midwife training.

In an AR simulation, the user is interacting with the real world, in real-time, with the added advantage of useful information and data superimposed over what they are actually seeing around them.

How can Augmented Reality be a Benefit to Corporate Training?

AR is the natural progression for corporate training, a world in which simulation and gamification training are already becoming staples.

What are the benefits to including augmented reality as a part of a corporate training strategy?

Collaboration. It has been established that collaborating with peers greatly improves comprehension in a learning environment. In an AR scenario, multiple users are all seeing the same thing, at the same time, and in the same space, interacting simultaneously. AR provides a pathway to deeper and more meaningful communication between co-workers. Shared experiences allow peers to give each other meaningful insight.

On-board instruction. The primary use of augmented reality is in the form of mobile apps that can be accessed on smartphones and tablets, as well as other digital display systems that can be worn.

The advantage in this scenario is the user can perform concrete duties they have never done before without having to consult a manual or another co-worker.

The directions for the task pop up on whatever device is being used, superimposed over the actual physical environment. For example, installing new computer hardware can be a hassle that pulls multiple employees away from their own work to give assistance. With the use of an AR equipped device, the worker can point the camera of their device and have the instructions show up over the actual physical space.

Productivity. In the same vein as on-board instruction, productivity is increased with the use of augmented reality. There is no need for a great number of extra employees to be involved in a training program. It is a more self-guided approach to learning the necessary material.

This is especially important for higher-level employees whose time is better spent elsewhere, while still maintaining the benefit of their new hires experiencing a solid, comprehensive training system.

Looking to the Future

Technological advances continue to improve many areas of life, especially in the workplace.

The augmented reality market is expected to burst onto the scene in big way in 2017 and is projected to be a $90 billion industry by 2020 according to Digi-Capital (2016).

AR is harnessing the power of collaborative learning in a digital reality to boost productivity and create a workforce that is better equipped to be assets to their companies.

Augmented Reaility Learning

Why Games and Simulations Work for Business


Think back to when you were a teenager, focused on getting your driver’s license for the first time. You’ve studied hard - you’ve read the textbooks provided to you, and you’ve watched your parents behind the wheel for years. You ace the written test, but when you get in the driver’s seat, it’s a whole different story. You’re unfamiliar with the surroundings and your reaction time just isn’t what you thought it would be.

Now, imagine if your training included some type of simulation tool. Imagine that you could get behind the wheel in a simulated setting, with the visual and audio eerily realistically similar to that on the road.

Would simulation training better prepare you to pass the actual driving test? Would you feel more comfortable the first time you left your driveway, with your parent beside you, ready to hit the road for the first time?

This is exactly why games and simulation are important to training of all types , the same lessons can be applied to your business.

But, what are games and simulation?

Simulated training with a game-like setting or atmosphere refers to an interactive setting that integrates audio, visual and special effects to create realistic scenarios or situations. The concept is that by experiencing simulated, yet real-life situations, users will become more engaged and think through challenges and opportunities more thoughtfully. They will practice in a nonthreatening setting and will then apply their learning into their daily work activities.

Why do games and simulation work for business?

65% of the population are visual learners, which means that we get significantly more out of learning through the senses than we do with text and exams exclusively. Plus, it’s been proven that simulations are more engaging for students; in fact, because simulations allow students to make connections with everyday life experiences, they are more likely to experience the benefits of memory recollection and overall engagement.

Games and simulation are used in a wide variety of industries and verticals - not just eLearning. For example, airlines require pilots to log simulator hours and the Pentagon simulates potential conflicts, all in an effort to continue learning and gain insight into how users would and could react in various situations.

The same can be said for business and corporate training programs. For example, if your business is running a training program around respect or diversity in the workplace, your users might respond differently - and learn more effectively - if they used a simulated training setting instead of responding to series of questions on the screen. Case studies and role-playing scenarios can be utilized that takes emotion and care into consideration, and requires critical thinking skills, instead of simply relying on text that is read from a screen.

How can I use games and simulation for my business?

So, if you’re convinced that games and simulation will improve training outcomes  for your business, how can you actually apply it to your existing training programs?

The first step, of course, is to get your Leadership or Executive Team on board with your strategy and concept. Develop your strategy behind incorporating games and simulation, and make a clear business use case for the return on investment (ROI) you will demonstrate. For example, by investing in simulation, will you thereby reduce the human hours needed to spend with each employee, taking them through training programs or modules? Will you reduce the time needed for on-boarding of new employees? Will you have the ability to launch more training programs every year, because you and your training department is no longer tied up with physically teaching your employees about new process or company guidelines? Can you show how games and simulation will reduce errors and accidents in the workplace? Can you tie the training objectives to the needs of the business and show how approaching training differently will positively impact production and profitability? If you are able to accomplish these goals, then you will be able to secure executive support for your initiative.

The second step is to work with a partner that you can trust. At Designing Digitally, we’ve created and implemented a multitude of games and simulation training programs for far too many companies to count. We will work with you and your training team to create and launch a simulation training program that will impact your employees in a way that your Executive Team has yet to see.

The third step is to roll-out your program with your company, after it has been tested thoroughly. From here, you’ll begin to reap the benefits!

As you’re constantly optimizing your training strategy and goals, consider the use of games and simulation for your business. Training simulations are here - and they’re here to stay - which means that you and your team should weigh the benefits that this new frontier presents for your company. Implementing games and simulation will ensure your company has a competitive advantage.

simulations games

Elearning Solutions: Effective Educational Tools


As the world moves toward a greater integration of technology in almost every area of society, the educational system follows suit.

Contemporary learners are more and more used to a technology-based world. Even from a young age, they have learned how to operate multiple devices and know how to navigate in an online world.

While education, in general, is known to trend toward different philosophies that change over time, elearning solutions are here to stay.

Engaged and Educated

Some children are being lost from our educational systems because they are not invested and engaged in what they are learning. They drop out of school and don’t receive the education they desperately need.

Learning needs to be meaningful to the students. They deserve an educational environment that takes their interests into account and provides them the opportunity to make choices. The ability to take ownership of their education produces in the student a desire to succeed.

Elearning solutions like serious games and simulations are fulfilling those learning goals.

How Are Elearning Solutions the Answer?
  • The Fun Factor

    Serious games can add an element of fun that may be lacking from a more traditional classroom experience.

    The best scenario is one in which students don’t even realize they are learning because they are enjoying themselves so much.

  • Creating Connections

    Many classrooms are moving away from the thought that they are little worlds unto themselves. Today’s technology makes it easier than ever before to engage with other learners, either in or out of their own communities.

    Being able to collaborate with students in other locations increases a learner’s interest in the material and drives their desire to succeed.

  • Problem-Solving

    Elearning solutions for the classroom allow the students to develop better problem-solving skills.

    By putting themselves into simulated scenarios, students gain a more complete understanding of choices and consequences.

    There is also a benefit for the teachers, who can gauge their students’ problem-solving skills by assessing the data from their serious game activities.

  • Immediacy of Feedback

    Serious games allow users and instructors to promptly view data from a learning experience.

    This gives the student a chance to change course right away, if need be, as well as allowing the teacher to intervene immediately with instruction.

    A shorter time between an activity and an instructional response is much more effective for the learner.

Same Goals, New Methods

The goal of education has always been to help students grasp certain concepts and be able to use what they have learned.

That hasn’t changed, though the methods of imparting the information are in constant flux.

Educators are always seeking to find the best, most comprehensive ways to encourage students to retain the knowledge they are given.

Utilizing electronic games for learning isn’t a new concept. Games have been used for more than a decade. In the past, though, the focus was less on content and more on entertainment.

What has changed is the focus of the games. Elearning companies understand that digital learning games are even more effective when they are integrated into the specific curriculum.

Designing Digitally, Inc. provides digital learning games that align with curriculum to teach content and meet the objectives for learning.

Elearning Solutions Effective Educational Tools

5 Tips for Designing Effective Online Learning and Training


5 Tips for Designing Effective Online Learning and Training

This is the era of online learning and training. E-learning provides an opportunity to reach out to diverse and geographically dispersed groups of learners. However, online learning must be designed in a way that is different from traditional face-to-face learning.

Here are some tips that to creating online learning and training that is engaging and effective.

Tip 1: Focus on quality.

Quality should be on the top of the priority list. Simply using flashy images and high-end technology will not suffice. The content must be relevant and up-to-date. The learner will only be interested in content that fulfills a need. If the module does not answer the question ‘What’s in it for me?’ satisfactorily, then the learner will lose interest midway. Consequently, the quality of the content must be relevant and top notch quality.

Tip 2: Design in a way that helps the learner.

The information in the course needs to be easy to read and consume. The message must be consistent throughout. Listed below are some ways that can help the learner retain information better.

  • Using appropriate headings
  • Using bulleted lists
  • Highlighting keywords
  • Sizing graphics appropriately
  • Using white space effectively
  • Using readable fonts
  • Utilizing a suitable color template
Tip 3: Promote interaction of the learners.

Online learning and training has the ability to transcend boundaries. Even when the learners are geographically dispersed, they can interact and collaborate with each other, with the help of online forums, chats, and video conferencing. The course needs to provide enough scope for the learners to interact. The more they collaborate with each other, the better they learn. Instructors play  a major role the level of interaction. Without them moderating the online interaction, desired outcomes will not be achieved.  Online instructors serve as facilitators of learning.

Tip 4: Providing constructive feedback is important.

It is imperative to provide constructive feedback to the learners. In a self-paced course, feedback can be provided after the learner answers assessment questions or submits an activity. If there is an instructor facilitating the learning, then feedback can be provided via real-time chats or answering questions on forums. Live web-conferences can even be held with the learners.

Tip 5: Simplification is the key.

Less is always more. Instead of going overboard with animations, interactions, assignments, it makes sense to embrace simplicity. Using all these elements in small doses enhances the user experience. It also ensures that the brain is not overloaded with extraneous material. Online learning and training needs to be designed keeping the weakest link in mind.

At Designing Digitally, Inc., we create top class, effective, learning solutions that augment the performance of your organization.

Get in touch with us and we will help your business grow in leaps and bounds.

Effective Online Learning

Serious Games: Why Are They Flourishing

Serious Games

An engaged learner is a successful learner. Research has shown that learning games are more effective educational activities than other methods.

Elearning companies have capitalized on the growth of serious games and are designing products to meet the needs of various learners, from schools to corporations.

eLearning Simulations - 3 Benefits for Companies

elearning simulations

There are many research reports that have discovered the importance of simulation in learning. As far  back as 1986, it was discovered that simulation is an ideal mechanism for providing a teacher with an opportunity to educate in a more engaging and impactful way. Although technology and advancement of education has changed significantly since then, it is clear that simulations are of great benefit for educational opportunities.

Developing an Effective Elearning Program Requires an End Game

eLearning Program

An integral part of developing an elearning program is creating an end goal that demonstrates the effectiveness of the experience.

It’s vital to have a system in place to ensure the objectives of the course are being met and the learners are successfully moving through each stage or level, finally reaching the conclusion satisfactorily.

The first step is to determine the desired outcome of the learning experience. What is the learning goal? How is mastery of the material demonstrated? What does a successful completion of the program look like?

Know Your Real Audience

KnowYour Real Audience

“Oh look! I have got you a bright blue jumpsuit with polka dots. Take it and wear it somewhere.”

“But, mom, I have no use for a jumpsuit and I don’t like the color.”

“Oh, you can put it to some use. I really liked it.”

“Fine! No point arguing. Maybe I will wear it just once and then never look at it.”

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