Personalization, MOOCs, collaboration tools – these are just a few of the trends that have revolutionized corporate training. Big data, however, may arguably have the most significant effect on corporate training, and leave a lasting mark with which other trends can’t compare.
Ultimately, the largest impact big data may have on corporate training involves customization of the learning experience for the individual user. As a result, learning will be more engaging and effective, and provide informative learning modules. Other benefits include securing real-time feedback, offering personalization, meeting goals, tracking capabilities, and understanding knowledge.
With the information available from big data, organizations can elicit definitive feedback that allows for an effective change in the course’s direction, content and learning formats. With precision, organizations can adjust training delivery models and know exactly where to improve the training.
This offers both the training team and the learner opportunities to enact change. For example, if the course outlines analysis of performance, the learner can see exactly where to make improvements. For the course facilitator, the data can show where most learners are failing or struggling, and allow for the adjustment of content to promote improvement in performance.
In general, it’s true that the more personalized the course, the better the learning outcomes for the individual and the organization. Big data provides the opportunity to analyze how learners acquire information and the learning formats that promote competency.
With information about delivery and content, the organization can personalize the learning course and promote optimal engagement. With tailored experiences, each learner can be assured a meaningful and quality experience.
An effective corporate training course requires knowledge of working strategies, and those that are failing. In terms of achieving goals, this knowledge is crucial. Otherwise, the training course may proceed without affecting real and lasting change.
Big data provides real-time analysis of modules that contribute to skill development and course components that don’t. With this knowledge, organizations can spend resources on aspects of the course that are productive and avoid wasting resources on training modules that don’t prepare learners to develop skills and advance their careers. Utilizing big data during the needs-analysis phase can inform content development and establish training goals.
An understanding of learning patterns is essential to an effective corporate training course. Using big data, eLearning professionals can track each learner’s progress through the course, and gain insights into factors such as learning preferences and competencies, and training effectiveness.
With the ability to see factors such as the learners’ test performance and the time it takes to complete a module, the real-time tracking capabilities enables an overview of learning patterns, individual learning behaviors and group learning capacity.
In order for organizations to understand learners as individuals and as a group, it’s critical to understand how they acquire knowledge and digest it. Using big data, organizations can acquire a significant understanding of the learning process, and learners’ responses to the training environment and material.
It’s possible to make course-corrections based on the time of day training is delivered and the delivery format that promotes optimal information retention. With these insights, organizations can confidently improve training environments to meet business goals and advance their workforce.
As social media, online content and simulation gaming – along with other technologies – have driven the corporate training environment, big data is positioned to recast, once and for all, training assessment and development – for the better.